• Nutritionists evaluate any deficiencies in your diet and prepare individualized plans that take your condition into account and make sure you get enough nutrients. • Physical therapists can make sure you maintain proper muscle tone and adapt to any changes to your body that result from treatment. • Occupational therapists help teach activities of daily living—how to eat, swallow and use your body efficiently. • Enterostomal therapists specialize in the care of ostomies. • Respiratory therapists help you keep your lungs and breathing passages clear. • Speech therapists work with people who have lost their voice box (larynx) and have to learn to speak in a new way. • Psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, psychologists, psychotherapists and other emotional counselors such as clergy and social workers help you through depression, fear or other emotional problems you may have because of your cancer or its treatment. • Dentists evaluate the state of your mouth before treatment and help you deal with treatment side effects such as mouth sores. • Cosmeticians ensure proper skin care during treatment and help you cope with physical changes. • Laboratory technologists perform specialized blood tests. • Pharmacists prepare complicated medications and ensure correct dosages.